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Concedes the 2000 Election - 英語演講

On Tuesday, November 7, 2000, a presidential election was held featuring Democratic candidate, Vice President Al Gore, versus Republican candidate, George W. Bush. After the polls closed, it became apparent that the oute of the very tight race would hinge on the results in Florida. At 2:16 a.m. early Wednesday morning, TV networks began declaring "Bush wins" based on their own Florida polling data and on each other's predictions. At 2:30 a.m., Al Gore telephoned Bush and offered his congratulations, conceding the election.

However, within the next hour, Gore's political advisors determined that the TV networks had made an error in deciding the super-close Florida results in favor of Bush. An extraordinary event then occurred as Al Gore telephoned Bush once more and this time 'un-conceded.' Following this, the TV networks retracted their earlier statements that Bush had won. Thus, Americans awoke on Wednesday morning without a clear victor in the 2000 presidential election.

Thirty six days of political and legal turmoil followed in which lawyers for Bush and Gore fought each other bitterly in the Florida courts over the subsequent recount, filing dozens of lawsuits. The main issue involved thousands of questionable votes cast by Democratic voters who may have been confused by the balloting method. To vote for the candidate of their choice, each voter needed to puncture a puter punch card at the correct spot, using a small metal hole puncher. Many Democrats later claimed they had been confused by the placement of names on the ballot and had voted for the wrong candidate, punching a hole for conservative fringe candidate, Pat Buchanan, instead of Al Gore. Numerous voters also voted for more than one presidential candidate or failed to make a hole in the punch card and only indented their choice. All of this served to fuel the storm of controversy surrounding the various localized recounts throughout Florida.

By late November, the U.S. Supreme Court had agreed to step in at the request of the Bush legal team. The court then issued two major rulings, both of which amounted to defeats for Gore's legal team. The second and final ruling occurred on Tuesday night, December 12. The five conservative Supreme Court justices sided with Bush while the four liberal justices sided with Gore. The 5 to 4 ruling effectively halted any further recounting and let stand a declaration by Florida's secretary of state that Bush had won Florida by 537 votes, and thus the presidency. On Wednesday evening, Al Gore appeared on national TV to concede, delivering this speech which was widely praised for its gracious and friendly tone.

Good evening.

Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on being the 43rd President of the United States, and I promised him that I wouldn't call him back this time.

I offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed.

Almost a century and a half ago, Senator Stephen Douglas told Abraham Lincoln, who had just defeated him for the presidency, "Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. I'm with you, Mr. President, and God bless you."

Well, in that same spirit, I say to President-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country.

Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it came, and now it has ended, resolved, as it must be resolved, through the honored institutions of our democracy.

Over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto, "Not under man but under God and law." That's the ruling principle of American freedom, the source of our democratic liberties. I've tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided America's deliberations of all the plex issues of the past five weeks.

Now the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this oute which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. And tonight, for the sake of our unity of the people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.

I also accept my responsibility, which I will discharge unconditionally, to honor the new president elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our Constitution affirms and defends.

Let me say how grateful I am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought. Tipper and I feel a deep gratitude to Joe and Hadassah Lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doors, not just for our campaign but for our country.

This has been an extraordinary election. But in one of God's unforeseen paths, this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new mon ground, for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny.

Indeed, that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debated, as fiercely fought, with their own challenges to the popular will.

Other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching . And each time, both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.

So let it be with us.

I know that many of my supporters are disappointed. I am too. But our disappointment must be overe by our love of country.

And I say to our fellow members of the world munity, let no one see this contest as a sign of American weakness. The strength of American democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overe.

Some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. I do not believe it need be so.

President-elect Bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities.

I personally will be at his disposal, and I call on all Americans -- I particularly urge all who stood with us to unite behind our next president. This is America. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are high, we close ranks and e together when the contest is done.

And while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differences, now is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us.

While we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefs, there is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party. This is America and we put country before party. We will stand together behind our new president.

As for what I'll do next, I don't know the answer to that one yet. Like many of you, I'm looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends. I know I'll spend time in Tennessee and mend some fences, literally and figuratively.

Some have asked whether I have any regrets and I do have one regret: that I didn't get the chance to stay and fight for the American people over the next four years, especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removed, especially for those who feel their voices have not been heard. I heard you and I will not forget.

I've seen America in this campaign and I like what I see. It's worth fighting for and that's a fight I'll never stop.

As for the battle that ends tonight, I do believe as my father once said, that no matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out.

So for me this campaign ends as it began: with the love of Tipper and our family; with faith in God and in the country I have been so proud to serve, from Vietnam to the vice presidency; and with gratitude to our truly tireless campaign staff and volunteers, including all those who worked so hard in Florida for the last 36 days.

Now the political struggle is over and we turn again to the unending struggle for the mon good of all Americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of freedom.

In the words of our great hymn, "America, America": "Let us crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea."

And now, my friends, in a phrase I once addressed to others, it's time for me to go.

Thank you and good night, and God bless America.

Al Gore - December 13, 2000